This verse is taken from:
Psalm 110
Thought of the day for:
21 October 2023

From this psalm, four verses under three headings are extracted to stress the great truth of the Exalted Christ.

Exalted and Waiting, v. 1, “Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool”. He is seated, indicating that the work of the cross is completed. The tone of the verse is one of rest and triumph, the ease of victory, a new order and an act of justice. Many people make much of the world and its fame, fortune, ambition, politics, riches and achievements, but in the final analysis it is only God’s footstool.

Exalted and Interceding, v. 4. This verse is quoted in Hebrews 5. 6, and stresses the eternal priesthood of Christ in contrast to that of men. But the whole subject looks back to Genesis 14. 18, where we read of Melchizedek for the first time, and what is more important, we read there the word “priest” for the first time. Under the “law of first mention”, important clues can be learnt from the use and meaning of a word. Genesis 14. 18 stresses the authority “of the most high God”, and the office of priest, for “he blessed him”, v. 19. Thus in Psalm 110. 4, we have the authority: “The Lord hath sworn”; the assurance: “and will not repent”; the office: “Thou art a priest”; the duration: “for ever”; the character: “after the order of’; and its royalty: “Melchizedek”, the word meaning, “King of righteousness … King of peace”, Heb. 7. 1, 2.

Exalted and Acting, vv. 5, 6. Our God is a God of action, as these two verses show. We need to remember this when we pray, in order that we may encourage ourselves in the Lord. The word “strike” in verse 5 means not only complete victory, but full confusion and an incurable wound. Such is the power of the exalted Christ. Wrath is the most significant passion that man can display, and we shudder to think of what it means in relation to God! The greatness of the victory is further stressed in verse 6 by the devastation that is left behind. There is none left to bury the dead, and the enemy have been shamed and dishonoured. Proud and powerful political leaders will be wounded. How have the mighty fallen! How great is our God!

“Until” has lasted nearly 2, 000 years, but He has been ready all the time.


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