This verse is taken from:
Psalms 90 & 93
Thought of the day for:
1 October 2023

Psalm 90 is probably one of the oldest psalms, written by Moses during the time of the penal wanderings of God’s people through the wilderness. It is best understood by keeping Israel’s experiences in mind at that time. Prophetically it is a remnant crying for restoration, and implies the second advent of the Messiah. Psalm 93 proclaims Jehovah as the universal King. The references chosen all speak of Christ in the light of such N.T. passages as John 1 and Col. 1. In 1 John 1. 1, the apostle writes about from the beginning, not at the beginning, and that the Word was (past tense). Colossians 1. 17 talks of Christ as before all things (in time). Let us look at Christ in relation to:

  1. Things Terrestrial, Psa. 90. 2. He is “Before the mountains”, whereas the mountains were considered, by man, to be the most ancient part of the earth. He is before the earth and the world; i.e., a world capable of being inhabited. He is from everlasting to everlasting in His essence and in His providence. It is not just that “He is”, but that “He is God”.
  2. Things Temporal, Psa. 90. 4. To the Christ of God, time has no existence, but all is an eternal present. To a rich man, a thousand pounds are as a penny, so to God a thousand years are but a day. If we could outlive Methuselah, it would be as yesterday with God. In 2 Peter 3. 8, the phrase is also quoted in reverse—a day as a thousand years. A watch in the night suggests the unconscious sleeper for whom the night passes so quickly—hence a thousand years.
  3. Things Transcendent, Psa. 93. 2. Note here the progression backwards in time—“established”, “old”, “everlasting”. It also states that the Christ of God is from everlasting. We are taken here beyond eternity, if we can use that expression. In this, we are trying to explain and understand eternity, the essential characteristic of Deity, and we shall never be able to do this because our minds are finite. Christ is from everlasting to everlasting, and in this we take encouragement.

Endless has beginning and no end, but everlasting has no beginning and no end.


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