This verse is taken from:
Psalm 145
Thought of the day for:
30 December 2023

We must have one more look at our God who is so immanent. The view of Him will inspire our hearts for the unknown year ahead. This psalm makes five arresting statements about Him, and we will use them to direct our vision:

  1. The Lord is Great: He is Unsearchable, v. 3.
  2. The Lord is Gracious: He is Approachable, v. 8.
  3. The Lord is Good: He is Impartial, v. 9.
  4. The Lord is Righteous: He is Equitable, v. 17.
  5. The Lord is Nigh: He is Available, v. 18.

In each case, the psalmist uses the Name Jehovah, the Name of our God, the Everlasting, Unchanging, Faithful, Covenant Keeping God; He has all these attributes. Since this is our God, what should be our response to Him as we read? If He is Great, then we will Worship, vv. 1, 2, 5. Since He is Gracious, we will Work for Him, v. 4. In the light of His Goodness, we will Witness for Him, vv. 6, 7. Since our God is Righteous, right in all His ways, then we will Wait for Him and not run before Him, v. 15, and because He is Nigh to all that call upon Him, we will Walk with Him.

With such a God as ours, we should never be without a song, vv. 1-3; never be without a testimony, vv. 4, 6; never be without a subject for meditation, v. 5; never be heard uttering a grumble, v. 7; never be without a spirit of appreciation, vv. 8-10; never be without a theme for conversation, vv. 11, 12; never be without hope, vv. 14-16; never be holden by fear, vv. 18-20.

As a Great God, He never lacks power to fulfil that which He desires; as a Gracious God, He will ever minister to us even though we ill deserve His kindness at times; as a God that is Good He will ever provide for the needy, for “no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly”, Psa. 84. 11; as Righteous, we know that His benevolence will never be unprincipled but always wise; and as Nigh to them that call upon Him, He will never fail to hear and answer prayer. Through a long year, this God has demonstrated His love to us, and as we view the distant road to our heavenly goal, the prospect remains clear.

They “that do know their God shall be strong”, Dan. 11. 32; “that I may know him”, Phil. 3. 10.


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