This verse is taken from:
Jeremiah 33. 15-18
Thought of the day for:
29 May 2024

Our text is a glorious prophecy of Messiah. Jeremiah has already pointed to the Branch whom God will cause to spring up for David, Jer. 23. 5, 6. Now he repeats the prediction of the coming righteous Branch of David’s line. This prophecy rests on God’s covenant with David, ordered in all things and sure, 2 Sam. 23. 5. In that covenant, the Lord, through Nathan the prophet, promised David an everlasting house and an eternal kingdom, 2 Sam. 7. 16. God reiterates that wonderful promise through Jer­emiah in verse 17. Gabriel announced the fulfilment of it to Mary, telling her that her Son would be given the throne of His father David, would reign over the house of Jacob for ever and would have a kingdom without an end, Luke 1. 32, 33.

The Messianic title, the Branch, is used on three other occa­sions. Zechariah tells us of God’s Servant, the Branch, Zech. 3. 8, and invites us to behold the Man whose name is the Branch, Zech. 6. 12. Isaiah writes about the Branch of the Lord, Isa. 4. 2. David Baron pointed out that this four-fold title beautifully corresponds to the four gospels. Matthew portrays Christ as the Son of David, Mark as God’s Servant, Luke as the perfect Man and John as the Son of God.

The full fulfilment of this prophecy is still future. In His mil­lennial reign, the Lord Jesus will reign as King in perfect righteousness, Isa. 32. 1. Justice is the hallmark of His personal character and it will characterize His rule, Isa. 11. 1-5. He will execute righteousness in a way that even the best human ruler never could. Not only so, but He will ensure Israel’s safety. Then, the security of Jerusalem will at last be guaranteed. That will not be brought about by military might or even skilful diplomacy but by Christ’s personal reign on David’s throne.

Her security will be primarily spiritual. Jeremiah had already given the coming Messiah the glorious Name - The Lord our Righteousness, Jer. 23. 6. We rejoice that God has made Christ our righteousness by living union with Him, 1 Cor. 1. 30. Israel will come into the good of that same blessing so much so that Jerusalem will share that beautiful title with the Lord Jesus Himself. What a standing - all due to Him!


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