This verse is taken from:
Psalm 27. 1-4; 29. 1-11
Thought of the day for:
16 January 2023

In the Scriptures, glimpses of the eternal throne are given with a sense of the inadequacy of human language to express its beauty. The sapphire-iike throne was seen on a sapphire-like pavement, Exod. 24. 10; Ezek. 1. 26.

In this world’s creation, God has made everything beautiful in its time, Eccl. 3. 11, as all will confess.

The tabernacle and temple were structures where “strength and beauty” were evident, Psa. 96. 6. They were beautiful in symmetry and in colour. The temple site was beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, 48. 2. In fact, it was the perfection of beauty, 50. 2.

The high priest’s garments were for glory and beauty, Exod. 28. 2, 40. The tabernacle’s inner covering, the veils with their intricate weaving, the buds and flowers of the lampstand, all had beautiful meanings to anointed eyes. “In his temple every thing saith, Glory”, Psa. 29. 9.

In the salvation of the believing one, the Lord has done everything well (i.e., beautifully), for “he will beautify the meek with salvation”, Psa. 149. 4; Mark 7. 37. Such an one is perfect in Him, because of the comeliness that He has put upon him, Ezek. 16. 14. The Lord is taking unlovely sinners, making them members of His church which will yet be seen as a radiant church, without stain, wrinkle or any blemish, Eph. 5. 27.

The heart’s response should be praise, for this is comely, Psa. 33. 1, and “worship in the beauty of holiness”, 29. 2. “One thing have I desired of the Lord … to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple”, says the psalmist, 27. 4.

In the world, the believer’s life is to be consistent with the profession that he has made, so that it adorns (shows the beauty of) the teaching of grace, Titus 2. 10. “Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us”, Psa. 90. 17. To this the reply of the Word is, “put on thy beautiful garments”, Isa. 52. 1, “so shall the king greatly desire thy beauty”, Psa. 45. 11.

From the womb of the day of the new birth, believers should be free-will offerings in the beauties of holiness, 110. 3 R.V. marg. Holiness is spiritual wholeness.

“The dayspring from on high hath visited us”, Luke 1. 78.


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