This verse is taken from:
Luke 13. 24-30
Thought of the day for:
19 August 2024

‘Lord, are there few that be saved?’ The question came from one in the crowd as the Saviour journeyed towards Jerusalem with Calvary in mind. The Lord Jesus was often asked questions which could have opened up lengthy debate, but He always went straight to the real issue and challenged His hearers as to their personal responsibility. This was no exception. He addressed the crowd with His answer: Don’t be concerned with the wider issue, but concentrate on personally entering the nar­row gate. Strive; make it the most important thing in life to ensure you enter the gate. There can be no baggage; you have to go through alone. Leave your pride, your sins, and your lifestyle behind as you enter the narrow gate. You cannot wander through in the company of others; this is personal, just for you. Many will come to the narrow gate and realize that they need to enter in, but they won’t be able to because of the narrowness of the gate and the broadness of their way of life.

Another reason why concerned sinners must strive to enter into the blessings of the narrow gate is that one day it will be too late! One day the door of opportunity will be shut, and no amount of knocking will open it. The Master will say, ‘I know you not whence ye are’. The plea of familiarity with the Saviour and knowledge of His teaching will make no difference. The dread words of the Master will be heard, ‘Depart from me’, and then it will be an eternity of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

This is, of course, a kingdom parable, concerning the judge­ment of the living nations. In that day, unbelievers will see those who will enter the millennial reign of Christ: patriarchs and prophets; Gentiles, ‘the last’; and Jews, ‘the first’; from all direc­tions, whilst they themselves will be for ever excluded. There is no second chance!

But never let us miss the important principles of the gospel here. Only those who are burdened about their sin and who rec­ognize that faith in Christ and His finished work is their only hope will ever enter through the narrow gate that leads to life. And the door of opportunity will one day close, leaving eternal judgement as the only prospect for those who did not enter.


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