This verse is taken from:
Psalm 107. 1-21
Thought of the day for:
15 September 2023

It is almost certain that physical healing is in mind in verse 20, and verses 17-19 suggest that the sickness was there because of the people’s own folly. As we read the record of Israel’s wanderings in the wilderness, we must come to the conclusion that God’s protection during those forty years included the preservation of the people’s health. There were occasions when God withdrew that protection because of their wilful sin (e.g., when serpents were allowed to invade the camp, Num 21. 6), but normally He commanded health for them, and after lapses, He speedily restored them.

Today, as then, health is subject to God’s commandment— He alone is the great Healer. We may choose to go to the doctor when unwell, but ultimately healing is in the hand of God.

More important than physical sickness is spiritual sickness, and C. H. Spurgeon wrote in relation to our verses, “these verses describe a sin-sick soul: foolish, but yet aroused to a sense of guilt… To its own apprehension nothing remains but utter destruction … Then is the soul driven to cry in the bitterness of its grief unto the Lord, and Christ, the Eternal Word, comes with healing power in the direst extremity, saving to the utmost”.

There are many who are sick in soul today, sick because of worry, because of sorrow, of doubt, of sin, of self-will, because of eating wrong food (the Word of God neglected, and the world’s food enjoyed). What is the remedy? In Psalm 107. 19 “they cry unto the Lord”, and His response was immediate: “He sent his word”. He still does this. Neglect of the Word permits these various spiritual sicknesses to develop, and the remedy is: Back to the Word. God does not send human philosophy nor does He send religion; rather He sends His Word. Psalm 147. 15 indicates that God does not waste any time in this matter: “He sendeth forth his commandment … his word runneth very swiftly”.

To a company of Christians, away from God and His Word, but priding themselves of their position, the Lord of the church said, “thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked”, Rev. 3. 17. In such circumstances, God has one unfailing prescription for spiritual sickness—the Word.


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