This verse is taken from:
Psalm 96
Thought of the day for:
14 August 2023

A new song, of course, presupposes an old one. And the first song recorded in Scripture takes us back to the moment of creation, “when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy”, Job 38. 7. Creation in all its splendour testifies to the magnificence of God, Rom. 1. 20. But God is also our Redeemer, for He who made us by His mighty power has, in matchless love and grace, bought us for Himself. Whenever the O.T. speaks of a “new song”, it seems to be looking forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus and the blessings resulting from His redeeming work.

We start with the call to sing, Psa. 33. 3. Worship is no optional extra but a solemn, yet joyful, responsibility for every child of God. Too often, perhaps, we assail God’s ears with old sighs instead of new songs! Then we discover the cause, which is nothing less than perfect, divine salvation, Psa. 40. 1-3. When we remember what we have been saved from, that new song should come naturally, Psa. 96. 2,But what of the choir? Psalm 96 has a universal vision: “Sing unto the Lord, all the earth”, v. 1. True, “the whole world lieth in the evil one”, 1 John 5. 19 R.V., but the Lord Jesus who holds its title deeds will shortly claim His rights, so that worship will ascend to God from the entire planet. Even though the choir is not yet complete, God looks for willing worship now from His people, Psa. 149. 1. The context of the song is one of absolute divine victory over all enemies, because “his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory”, Psa. 98. 1. Our Saviour will return in resplendent glory as King of kings, to deliver His ancient people Israel from all her oppressors, 144. 9, 10. The new song is not a lament but a song of triumph.

Finally, what is the song’s content? Unlike some believers today, Scripture is consistently concerned with the matter rather than with the music of hymns. And the subject of heaven’s worship is the Lord Jesus Christ, once crucified but now eternally glorified, Rev. 5. 9, 10. All our material for proper worship is found in Him.

“And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy …for thou wast slain”, Rev. 5. 9.


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