This verse is taken from:
Ezekiel 34. 1-16; 23-24
Thought of the day for:
10 May 2022

It is commonly agreed that anarchy does not work well, and autonomy has its limits. We need an authority over us, and we need leadership. But what sort of leadership? Israel himself had been a shepherd, but he learned that he needed to be shepherded. Many of the people of the nation of Israel carried on an agrarian or pastoral livelihood. They understood how four legged sheep are managed. But they were slow to see that the two legged kind also needed the rod and staff.

In Ezekiel chapter 34, the prophet speaks against the false shepherds who victimized the people of God. These would certainly include those kings of Judah who were taken away captive, and would also include many in the priesthood and certain false prophets. These were highly placed people of influence. The Lord’s message to such shepherds was, ‘The weak you have not strengthened, nor have you healed those who were sick, nor bound up the broken, nor brought back what was driven away, nor sought what was lost; but with force and cruelty you have ruled them’, Ezek. 34. 4 NKJV.

This cloudy and dark background presents a great problem. When people have been deeply hurt by the very people they trusted most, it is so difficult to win their trust again. But that is the very thing that the Messiah promises to do.

‘For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out’, Ezek. 34. 11. To regather these scattered, scarred creatures, He will speak comfort. To the poor and feeble in the flock He predicts the setting up of His kingdom. These promised benefits under that Shepherd who is the root and the offspring of David are meant to win their trust. Hope would be revived.

The Messiah has His commission from God; ‘I will set up one shepherd’, Ezek. 34. 23. His shepherding abilities are such that He will do what no one else could do. This passage leads us directly to the Shepherd of John chapter 10 who will bring both Jewish sheep and Gentile sheep into one fold.

The secret of His success is love. The proof of love is the greatness of the sacrifice He was willing to make.


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