This verse is taken from:
Genesis 41. 1-36
Thought of the day for:
10 January 2024

Pharaoh was perplexed. His two dreams seemed unintelligible, and his regular consultants seemed clueless. The predicament jogged the memory of the chief butler and Joseph was brought from the prison. For him, that day had started like every other of the thousands of monotonous days of his prison life. Suddenly, dramatically, unexpectedly, the whole situation was altered; ‘hastily’, he was brought from the dungeon, never to return. God can change your circumstances just as radically and rapidly. Situations that have remained unchanged for many years with no prospect of improvement can become scenes of divine inter­vention, the deadlock gone forever.

The cows and the corn of Pharaoh’s dreams anticipated ulti­mate famine conditions affecting both the livestock and the land. The fact that the number seven featured extensively fore­shadowed periods of seven years, v. 26. The doubling of the dream was an indication that the pictured events were immi­nent, v. 32.

Joseph’s answer to the inevitable famine was to make prepa­ration. Just as the ant prepares her food stock for winter during summer and harvest, Prov. 6. 6-8, so Joseph encouraged fore­sight here. The seven years of plenty would provide a stockpile of resources for the years of famine.

In the experiences of God’s people, there are occasions when they may be deprived of the public teaching of the word of God. An extended illness could preclude them from attendance at teaching meetings. A posting to a remote area could place them in a situation where there is a famine ‘of hearing the words of the Lord’, Amos 8. 11. The need of the elderly to be close to the fam­ily could see them in circumstances where available spiritual food is less than adequate. In light of the possibility of famine conditions, take advantage of years of plenty. Use every oppor­tunity to hear the word when it is available. When the teaching is wholesome, absorb it. When the saints gather, be present. The accumulation of received scripture knowledge will stand you in good stead when fending for yourself in famine conditions.


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