This verse is taken from:
Mark 4. 26-29
Thought of the day for:
10 August 2024

This parable is a delightful precis of the mysterious process of germination. It is a fitting analogy for the imperceptible and inevitable development of the kingdom of God.

The seed, as the Lord said in another place, ‘is the word of God’, Luke 8. 11. It is that which has potential for life in and of itself. This was the mechanism God incorporated in His creation to prop­agate life in its many and varied forms. Paul understands this concept to be true of the influence that the word of God has in the new creation when he speaks of ‘the word of life’, Phil. 2. 16.

The seed, however, needs agents to introduce it to the soil in which it can grow. These do not necessarily need to be human agents. God in His sovereignty can distribute the seed on the wind or by unwitting carriers, such as insects or birds. We should be careful not to exaggerate the importance of human industry and endeavour in the matter of distributing the seed of the word.

Nevertheless, God is pleased to use us as those who go forth ‘bearing precious seed’, Ps. 126. 6. It is our duty to ‘cast seed into the ground’. Haggai exposes certain apathy when he questions ‘is the seed yet in the barn?’ Hag. 2. 19. Seed left in the barn does not produce anything.

The sower, when his duty is done, has to show patience and no little faith in the ability of the seed to produce fruit, ‘for the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself … he knoweth not how’. No amount of genetic engineering can effect the kind of fruit that pleases God.

The process can be slow in development. However, there is a certainty that seedtime is followed by a harvest that is worthy of the kingdom of God.

‘God is working His purpose out, as year succeeds to year; God is working His purpose out, and the time is drawing near; Nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be, When the earth shall be filled With the glory of God As the waters cover the sea’ [A. C. Ainger]


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