This verse is taken from:
Psalm 107. 23-43
Thought of the day for:
21 August 2023

Our worship is helped if we have a keen eye for God’s hand at work. Psalm 107 concludes with the intriguing comment that the way to understand God’s lovingkindness is to “observe” or “give heed to” His doings, v. 43 R.V. And true understanding will certainly lead to praise, Psa. 47. 7. How real and fresh would be our adoration if, like the mariners, we had an eye to “see the works of the Lord, and his wonders”, v. 24. There is nothing like a personal acquaintance with God’s ways to stimulate worship. Those who witnessed the Saviour’s miracles “marvelled, and glorified God”, Matt. 9. 8.

In this psalm, for example, we observe that our God is active, for the whole poem is crammed full of verbs powerfully expressing His deeds. He is the One who redeems, v. 2; gathers, v. 3; delivers, v. 6; leads, v. 7; satisfies, v. 9; saves, v. 19; heals, v. 20; and blesses, v. 38. It is glorious to belong to a God who is at work, John 5. 17.

Further, we learn that He is gracious, for His blessings are directed towards a people guilty of weakness, vv. 4, 5; rebellion, vv. 10-12; folly, vv. 17, 18; and helplessness, v. 26. And Israel is no worse than us. Despite their sin, each time they call to Him, He hears, vv. 6, 13, 19, 28, for His longsuffering is without end. Since He is the unchanging One, we can guarantee that He is still as patient with His children. So when anyone is at his wit’s end, v. 27, let him not forget to cry to the Lord.

Finally, He is tender, because all His ways towards His people are guided by a loving heart that desires the very best for its object. Verse 41 spells this out, teaching that God provides both protection and fellowship for His own. Are we needy? Then He has set us “on high”, for we are seated “in heavenly places in Christ Jesus”, Eph. 2. 6, and there is no higher or safer place than that. Are we lonely? Then He has brought us into the family fellowship of His people, placing us in the body of Christ, and linking us in practical partnership with a local assembly of saints where we can experience the warmth of heaven itself, Acts 2. 46, 47.

“The brethren … came to meet us … whom when Paul saw, he thanked God, and took courage”, Acts 28. 15.


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