This verse is taken from:
Psalm 114
Thought of the day for:
24 November 2023

Again we recall the mighty power of God in delivering His people from thraldom in Egypt and bringing them into Canaan.

The nation’s twofold description shows that it can be viewed in two ways,

  1. Jacob means “Supplanter”, describing Isaac’s son naturally from his birth, a man who aimed by fair means or foul to wrest from his elder brother the rights of the firstborn son, Gen. 25. 20-23.
  2. Israel means a “Prince”, one who has power with God, 32. 27, 28. It speaks of the dignity conferred upon the nation which later He called His son. It was the name given to Jacob, not at birth but at Jabbok after he had confessed his sinnership; then, with his pride overcome, he clung to God for blessing. Of Nathanael the Lord Jesus said, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile”, John 1. 47, that is, an Israelite true to his God-given name, in whom was none of the scheming deception which marked Jacob’s early life.

Today a true believer in Christ may to his shame show his old Jacob-character by actions which are grievously sinful, but he will also give evidence of a new life characterized by righteousness and self-denial. Let us beware of Jacob-like tendencies, “the old man” as Scripture puts it, and live to manifest the character of God our Father.

When God delivered the nation from Egypt, they were called to be His sanctuary, His holy dwelling-place. He manifested His presence in the cloud which gave light to Israel, but was darkness to the Egyptians. Then He deigned to give evidence of His presence in the tabernacle that Moses built, saying, “there will I meet with thee”, Exod. 25. 22. Where the King of kings dwells, He must needs rule; so Israel became His dominion also.

Since the Lord’s ascension, there have been local churches owning His authority. Paul wrote, “Ye are the temple of God (the inner shrine, the sanctuary)”. In one sense, God is omnipresent; but He cannot tolerate evil. So Paul continued, “the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. If any man defile (corrupt) the temple of God, him shall God destroy”, 1 Cor. 3. 16, 17. God is still known amongst His gathered people.

“God is in you of a truth”, 1 Cor. 14. 23-37.


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