This verse is taken from:
Psalm 103
Thought of the day for:
18 August 2023

Nothing can be more calculated to stimulate worship than the recounting of divine blessings. Human memory, however, is notoriously fickle, Gen. 40. 14, 23, and God, in His knowledge of our weaknesses, Psa. 103. 14, has graciously provided suitable aids. The Holy Spirit, John 14. 26; the Lord’s Supper, 1 Cor. 11. 25, and the fellowship of believers, Psa. 78. 35, all serve to kindle our memories of God’s goodness. And as we daily read the Word we are confronted with what our God has done, 2 Pet. 3. 2, so that an awareness of His benefits might cause us to “bless the Lord”, Psa. 103. 22.

David starts with five distinct aspects of Jehovah’s goodness to him. First, He “forgiveth all thine iniquities”, v. 3. Note that precious word “all”. There is not a sin committed by the child of God which has not been fully and eternally pardoned because of Calvary. Can we think of our forgiveness without also remembering what it cost the Saviour?, 2 Cor. 5. 21; 1 John 1. 7. Next, He “healeth all thy diseases”, v. 3. In Israel’s wilderness experience this, an aspect of God’s covenant with the nation and dependent upon their obedience, was literally true, Deut. 28. 58-60. Today, our bodies await a glorious future transformation, Phil. 3. 20, 21, but we still delight to acknowledge that all physical healing, direct or indirect, comes from the Lord.

He, too, “redeemeth … from destruction”, v. 4. David is probably thinking of specific deliverance from his enemies, but we are bound to see here a much grander rescue from everlasting bondage to sin and futility, 1 Pet. 1. 18, 19. Nor should we forget who “crowneth” us with love and tender protection, v. 4. The word means to compass, as with a shield, Psa. 5. 12; just as Saul once surrounded David with his troops, so God surrounded David with His mercy, 1 Sam. 23. 26. How marvellous to be so perfectly garrisoned against all ills! Finally, our God “satisfieth … with good things”, v. 5. Is there not enough in the Lord Jesus to thrill our hearts? “Bless the Lord, O my soul and all that is within me, bless his holy name”.

“Do ye not remember’?”, Mark 8. 18.


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