This verse is taken from:
Psalm 148
Thought of the day for:
28 August 2023

As the Psalter draws to its close, the volume and intensity of its worship increase. We have come a long way from the solitary “blessed man” who stood for truth despite the pressures of the ungodly crowd, Psa. 1. 1-4. Now we find nothing but a vast adoring host involved in continual praise, anticipating the day when all enemies are subdued and righteousness reigns supreme, Isa. 32. 1. 2 Pet. 3. 13.

The first half of Psalm 148 teaches that the very heavens are alive with worship. It is chastening to realize that the universe, which engages so much of man’s scientific curiosity while ultimately eluding his final understanding, is made to honour God. At the forefront of this magnificent creation is “an innumerable company of angels”, Heb. 12. 22; Psa. 148. 2, all involved in adoration. Despite our ignorance of these spirit beings, we can at least grasp something of their power and splendour. They guard God’s people, 2 Kings 6. 15-17; deliver from imprisonment, Acts 12. 7; and destroy the enemy, 2 Chron. 32. 21. Yet they strictly refuse man’s veneration, Rev. 22. 8, 9, and devote themselves to God’s praise, Isa. 6. 1-3. How wonderful to know that He whom we worship is “so much better than the angels”, Heb. 1. 4, and that, as our psalm indicates, “all the angels of God worship him”, 1. 6.

Just as these spiritual intelligences prostrate themselves before Jehovah, so too does the inanimate creation in the skies. Sun, moon, stars, the heavens, the waters above the heavens, all resound God’s praise, vv. 3, 4. This they do simply by being what He has made them to be, vv. 5, 6, and “fulfilling his word”, v. 8. What a lesson: God is glorified when His creatures, intelligent or otherwise, do His will; see Luke 19. 40. Thus sun and moon honour Him by fulfilling their illuminating function around the earth, Gen. 1. 14-18. In the same way, redeemed man glorifies God when he obeys His Word.. Each act of obedience is an act of worship. As we have said before, praise should colour the whole Christian life. The universe is faithfully glorifying its Maker, as He intended. Are we?

“For by him were all things created … all things were created by him, and for him”, Col. 1. 16; Rev. 4. 11.


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