This verse is taken from:
Psalm 148
Thought of the day for:
29 August 2023

In the first six verses of Psalm 148 contemplate those elements of creation mentioned in Genesis 1. 6-193 the rest of the psalm turns the spotlight upon the immediate environment of man as described in the latter half of that chapter. Once again, all the praise is God’s, ascending spontaneously from the whole of His infinitely varied and beautiful handiwork.

There is a rich texture to the worship generated in this psalm. The seas and their inhabitants, v. 7; the weather, v. 8; the landscape, v. 9; plant, animal and insect life, vv. 9, 10, all combine in perfect accord to give God the glory. How much we can learn from the world around us!

Notice the diversity involved: there is nothing that God has made that is too small to receive His care, Matt. 10. 29, or too lowly to join in His praise, Luke 19. 40. Perhaps we would complain less about the weather if we remembered that it was obediently “fulfilling his word”, v. 8. Consider, too, the harmony implied here. Despite the vast range of the animal kingdom, there is no discord in the orchestra of adoration, for a great fish, Jonah 1. 17; an ass, Matt. 21. 2, 3; or even a bird, 1 Kings 17. 4, can each bring God pleasure by doing His bidding. May we be “of one heart and of one soul” in our corporate worship, Acts 4. 24, 32; Rom. 15. 6, as we seek to obey the Lord’s command and remember Him, Luke 22. 19.

Continuity is suggested by the mountains and the hills, v. 9. Their very existence is a silent but majestic testimony to God’s purpose for them. Since our breath is in His hands, Dan. 5. 23, and every heartbeat a token of His constant love, should not we sing praise as long as we live?, Psa. 104. 33.

Man, as the climax of God’s creative acts, is the final participant in this paeon of praise, vv. 11-14. Whoever we are, great or small, young or old, male or female (and the psalmist carefully lists them all), we have a personal responsibility to honour His excellent name. Surely every believer, realizing that he is the Lord’s by creation, Gen. 1. 27, by purchase, 1 Cor. 6. 20, and by gift, John 10. 29, will gladly join to exalt the Saviour.

“Give glory to him … worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water”, Rev. 14. 7.


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