This verse is taken from:
Isaiah 48. 16-20
Thought of the day for:
21 May 2024

The whole chapter is a sustained appeal by the Lord for His people to hear His word, vv. 1, 12, 14, 16, yet not only to hear it but to heed it. We must give the closest attention to God’s voice in scripture and render ready obedience. In the New Testament, James appeals to us to be swift to hear, but not to be hearers only, but rather doers of the word, Jas. 1. 19-25. The Lord Jesus compares a hearer who carries out His commands to a man building on a rock. One who hears but does not do is building only on sand, Matt. 7. 24-27. Indeed, the real mem­bers of Christ’s family are those who hear and do the word of God, Luke 8. 20.

God’s word provides profitable instruction for the mind. Yet it is primarily designed to direct our steps through life, v. 17. The Spirit of God uses scripture to challenge our con­science to obedience and thus to transform our living.

Tragically, Israel had resisted God’s voice throughout her history. They had been obstinate, v. 4, even treacherous and rebellious, v. 8. We can recognize ourselves in that dark picture. ‘Sadly, the sins of the people of God do not alter’, Webb.

In our text, God reveals His heart, as He speaks with deep pathos. How different Israel’s experience would have been if they had paid attention to the commandments of the Lord. Then, they would have known peace. That great Bible word speaks of harmony and fellowship. It indicates spiritual health and true prosperity. Such peace can only be bestowed by God. It would have been theirs in rich abundance had they heeded His word. It would have been ever flowing, like the torrent of a mighty river, not the mere trickle of a seasonal stream. No wonder the psalmist exclaims that great peace belongs to those who love God’s law, Ps. 119. 165. In total contrast, there is no peace to the wicked, v. 22. Israel’s righ­teousness, their experience of salvation, would have rolled upon them like the mighty breakers of the sea, had they kept God’s word. They would have enjoyed wave after wave of rich blessing. We too need to learn that real happiness lies in holiness and that true joy comes through obedience.


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