This verse is taken from:
Genesis 37. 1-28
Thought of the day for:
8 January 2024

This chapter introduces a new phase of the book of Genesis in which Joseph is now the main figure. Undoubtedly, his experi­ence of humiliation and ultimate glory foreshadows that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this chapter, his two dreams point forward to his ultimate supremacy, and his authority over brothers who hated him, v. 4, envied him, v. 11, conspired against him, v. 18, and sold him, v. 28. The fact that there were two dreams of similar interpreta­tion is an indication of the certainty of this prediction that they would all be subject to Joseph, cf. 41. 32. Notice that the first dream relates to sheaves. The thing that first brought about the obeisance of his brothers, 42. 6, was a lack of sheaves; famine conditions drove them to Egypt for sustenance.

The interpretation of Joseph’s dreams was not complicated. Just as the religious leaders on hearing our Lord’s parables ‘per­ceived that he spake of them’, Matt. 21. 45, so Joseph’s brethren had no problem in seeing that his dreams predicted their subjec­tion to him, a notion that they rejected out of hand, ‘Shalt thou indeed reign over us?’ The disclosure of his dream fuelled the flames of their hatred, v. 8.

The second dream was revealed both to his father and his brethren; evidently, Jacob was irritated. He saw in it a prophecy that he and Leah (Joseph’s stepmother) would also bow, but after a period of exasperation, his annoyance seemed to be tem­pered as he thought the matter through, v. 11. Mary ‘kept all these sayings in her heart’, Luke 2. 51. Similarly, Jacob gave seri­ous thought to the implications of Joseph’s dreams.

As has been observed, Joseph’s experience foreshadows that of the Saviour. His ‘brethren’, the people of Israel, said of Him as expressed in a parable, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us’, Luke 19. 14. Some day, things will be altered, Rom. 11. 25-27; the King of glory will enter the ancient gates of Jerusalem, Ps. 24. 7, for God has decreed that He will set His King upon His holy hill of Zion, Ps. 2. 6. Indeed, every being in the universe will kneel before the once humbled Jesus, and acknowledge, ‘Jesus Christ is Lord’, Phil. 2. 9-11.


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