This verse is taken from:
Isaiah 60. 15-18
Thought of the day for:
30 April 2022

It is impossible to read the prophecy of Isaiah with any measure of discernment without appreciating that God has planned a significant future for the nation of Israel. Throughout the book he has reminded them of God’s faithfulness in spite of their determination to rebel. Even when the time of captivity became inevitable on account of their persistent sin, the prophet looked beyond that time, and foretold their restoration.

It is also very evident that the word spoken of the nation does not find its ultimate fulfilment in history. There must be a detailed programme of events yet future in order to satisfy the requirements of prophetic scripture.

Much of the latter section of Isaiah’s prophecy looks forward to a time of Millennial earthly blessing. A time when not only Israel but Gentile nations also will benefit from the bounty which comes with Israel’s restoration.

Throughout much of the Old Testament writings, the nation is referred to as either Israel or Jacob. There are frequent occasions when the name Jacob is used to emphasize the natural characteristics of the nation. Israel was the name given to Jacob after his encounter with God at Peniel, and, as such, it is often used to accentuate the spiritual aspect seen usually in a proportion or a remnant of the people.

In chapter 60, we are taken in thought to the commencement of the Millennial reign of the Lord Jesus. Nations are bringing their allegiance and offerings to Jerusalem - Gentiles and kings, v. 3; those from afar, v. 4; from Sheba, v. 6; the isles and Tarshish, v. 9, and more. Together they acknowledge ‘the Holy One of Israel’. We notice that when holiness is in evidence, it is Israel who is mentioned. But we cannot fail to recognize in verse 16, that the Lord is both a Saviour and a Redeemer to Jacob. In spite of their chequered history, the nation, ‘forsaken and hated’, v. 15, has been preserved by the Mighty One. His power brought them out of Egypt and into the land. His strong arm removed nations and destroyed adversaries. The same Mighty one of Jacob will yet guarantee that no enemy will prevail against His chosen earthly people.


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