This verse is taken from:
Malachi 3. 16-18
Thought of the day for:
8 July 2024

In yesterday’s reading we looked at gold and silver. Today, the figure is that of jewels. Whilst we can distinguish between each, all convey the thought of value, preciousness, signifi­cance. For this reason, the marginal rendering is ‘special treasure’. What a picture this conveys of the importance that God places upon His people! This band of devoted followers may be insignificant when compared with the nation as a whole. We may be small in number and composed of individu­als of no social or economic rank, but in God’s eyes, like this chosen few, we are jewels!

It is important to see what characterised this godly remnant. Firstly, they lived in reverential awe of God and their daily walk displayed this, v. 16. Secondly, they fellowshipped with those who were like-minded. ‘It became the characteristic of life for them to commune with one another. It was their habitual prac­tice and not merely a casual conversation’, F. A. Tatford. Thirdly, they thought on His name, v. 16. To look in upon their own hearts would have been a depressing occupation, manifesting the failure inherent in all of us. To look out upon the state of the nation would be worse - a day of judgement was coming! How­ever, to look up is to see what God has promised, ‘unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings’, 4. 2. As we consider the life of this remnant of God’s people there is much to challenge our own hearts.

What is also remarkable is God’s interest in this small band of faithful followers. We are told, ‘Jehovah observed it, and heard’, v. 16 JND. His eye was upon them and His ear open to their con­versation. In fact, ‘the whole of His attention is depicted as focused upon them, as though He would not miss a word or an inflection’, F. A. Tatford. ‘It is not only an attentive, but also an approving, yea, a delighted, Listener that is brought before us’, E. Dennett. Of the remnant, the Lord says, ‘they shall be mine’, v. 17. They will be His special treasure, brought into the place of closest intimacy with Him. As we consider what interests, or, more especially, delights the heart of God may we be encour­aged to do the same and enjoy His fellowship.


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