This verse is taken from:
Romans 10. 1-12
Thought of the day for:
28 August 2022

This sad chapter vindicates God in view of the fact of Israel’s present unbelief. It is a painful paradox that a people genuinely zealous for the true God should crucify, and continue to reject, their long-promised Messiah - a calamity all the more poignant in view of the privileges enumerated in chapter 9. They have only themselves to blame: chapter 10 shows the reason for their unbelief to be the pursuit of a legal righteousness, in contrast to that which is of faith, v. 6. Yet salvation has been made accessible to all on the simplest possible terms: ‘confess … the Lord Jesus … believe … God hath raised him from the dead’, v. 9.

The following verses serve to emphasise the availability of salvation to all. In chapter 3 the proud Jew had to learn that ‘there is no difference’ - all have sinned, Rom. 3. 22, 23. Now, in Romans chapter 10, God is pledged to be even-handed and merciful to the Jews, notwithstanding their national rejection of Christ; ‘The same Lord is Lord of all’, RV - both Jew and Gentile. Note, that our Saviour is Lord of all; the apostles emphasised the Lordship of Jesus with all its practical implications. So should we!

Genesis supplies a beautiful illustration of the truth of this chapter. Joseph was cruelly rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery and suffering in Egypt. However, it was also true, as Joseph generously explained, that God had sent him before them to preserve life. Presently, he became lord of all Egypt, bringing untold blessing and sustenance to gentiles. Moreover, in this place of power he was able and willing to nourish his own family too - even those who had wronged him so terribly.

Praise God, our Lord is ‘rich unto all that call upon him’. In Romans chapter 2 verse 4 the unbelieving Jew’s presumption of escaping God’s judgement is tantamount to contempt for the riches of God’s goodness and forbearance and longsuffering. Here, Christ is rich unto all who call upon Him - dispensing unreservedly His goodness, kindness, and love. In the words of J. N. Darby’s great hymn, here indeed is:

‘That love that gives not as the world, but shares
All it possesses with its loved co-heirs’.

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