This verse is taken from:
Joel 2. 5-11
Thought of the day for:
22 June 2024

Joel’s graphic description of the locust swarm continues in these verses as, having recorded what he has seen, he now makes known what he hears. The sound as of many chariot wheels echoing from the mountain tops and, in their wake, the crackle of fire on stubble as the invading army left nothing but scorched earth!

Yet, the prophetic vision is not confined to the immediate future alone. Joel speaks of a time when the scourge of divine judgement will cause both earth and heaven to tremble, v. 10. Cosmic upheavals will follow, heralding the return in glory of the Warrior King, v. 11, just as the nation appears doomed. We are reminded of John’s vision of those days when, in Revelation chapter 9, the fifth trumpet of judgement is blown. Through the smoke issuing forth from the opened pit, a fearsome army emerges, demonic in its appearance, locust-like in form, having the irresistible momentum of war horses and the deadly sting of scorpions. The angels of hell unleashed to fulfil the divine pur­pose of judgement upon the earth.

Take time to read the remaining verses of Joel’s prophecy. From verse 12 of chapter 2 there is a distinct change of atmo­sphere. A call to repentance is heard, reaching out to all the people. Once more, the priests take up their intercessory work and cry, ‘Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach’, 2. 17. The response of the Lord is very gracious, ‘I will send you corn, and wine, and oil’, v. 19; ‘I will remove far off from you the northern army’, v. 20; ‘I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten’, v. 25; ‘I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh … and it shall come to pass, that whoso­ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered’, vv. 28-32.

In chapter 3, the prophet tells of a time when Gentile nations, now subservient to Jehovah, will be assessed and judged, vv. 2-8, following their utter defeat in the valley of decision, v. 14.The book ends in kingdom blessing, ‘Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation’, v. 21.


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