This verse is taken from:
Psalm 1. 1-3
Thought of the day for:
19 February 2024

Psalm 1 contrasts the blessed man with the ungodly man. The former is described by what he does not do. His walking, stand­ing and sitting are all separate from wicked counsellors, standing sinners and seated scorners, v. 1. This obedience of negation keeps him on the right pathway, as well as ensuring that he stands for the right things. What is more, it preserves him from a disdainful attitude.

As for his positive obedience, the blessed man focuses his affections and attention on the law of the Lord, meditating on it continually, v. 2. Such occupation with God’s word brings him into a spiritually bountiful situation. He is compared to a tree, planted by a stream, with unfading leaf and luxuriously produc­ing fresh fruit, v. 3. Careful meditation on the scriptures seems to be an antiquated idea in the modern fast-paced world of ‘time­saving’ conveniences. Contemporary people tolerate few delays of any kind. They are accustomed to fast food, high speed internet, and rapid transportation. Instant gratification is the guiding principle of the age. Nevertheless, this psalm shows that good things take time. This tree brings forth fruit ‘in its season’, v. 3. It requires the time-consuming discipline of thoughtfully reading, memorizing, and studying the Bible to produce the end result that God desires.

The tree simile emphasizes certain attractive qualities about someone who sets himself to follow the Lord and His word. Verse 3 says he is ‘planted’, implying stability. The prox­imity of refreshment in his life is indicated by his being located by ‘the rivers of water’, v. 3. This develops the twin benefits of fruitfulness and vitality; he produces fruit and his leaf is unfading, v. 3 margin. All of these characteristics combine to show a person who has a renewing life source within, which results in nourishment to others and himself. He is also firmly rooted in a righteous standing before God. To borrow the New Testament metaphor, such a person will not be ‘tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive’, Eph. 4. 14.


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