This verse is taken from:
Psalm 150
Thought of the day for:
31 August 2023

We have observed a significant progression in these final three psalms. Psalm 148 called for Jehovah’s praise to be sounded from the heavens and the earth, while Psalm 149 focussed primarily upon Israel as “the congregation of saints”, v. 1, from whom God expects a new song of worship. The closing psalm sums it all up by encouraging “every thing that hath breath” to praise the Lord, v. 6. Truly, praise is going to be a universal phenomenon!

Three simple thoughts arise from the major prepositions used in the psalm: “in”, v. 1; “for”, v. 2; and “with”, vv. 3-5.

Where is God to be worshipped? “In his sanctuary … in the firmament of his power”, v. 1. Note that we have lost sight of the heavenly bodies, the earthly creation, mankind and Israel, for here all fades into obscurity in the light of His “excellent greatness”, v. 2. Psalm 150 takes us forward into the eternal state where God is “all in all”, 1 Cor. 15. 28, where the supreme object of attention is the Lamb of God, where the ultimate blessedness is to “serve him … (and) see his face”, Rev. 22. 4. Our worship down here is at best impoverished, but in glory all will be utter perfection for we shall “see him as he is”, 1 John 3. 2.

Why is He to be praised? “For his mighty acts” and “his excellent greatness”, v. 2. To list the great and gracious activities of Jehovah will take eternity, for even the “many other things which Jesus did” in His brief earthly ministry are too numerous for their record to be contained in the world, John 21. 25. Take time today to start cataloguing what God has done in your life over the past few years, and you will find abundant evidence of His mercy and strength.

How is He to be praised? With trumpet, lute, tambour, pipe, stringed instruments, organ, cymbals, vv. 3-5. The language, of course, relates to the musical accompaniment of Jewish temple worship, and provides a powerful impression of enthusiasm, concentration, variety, harmony and vigour. May our N.T. appreciation of God in Christ be equally zealous, equally glorifying to Him whom we adore.

“(They) fell down before the Lamb…saying, Thou art worthy”, Rev. 5. 8, 9.


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