This verse is taken from:
Psalm 91
Thought of the day for:
28 July 2023

Whatever else this psalm may speak of, it is clearly prophetical of the lifetime experiences of the Man Christ Jesus when here below. In verse 1, the Spirit speaks of “the secret place of the most High” as the safe dwelling place of Christ. In verse 2, Christ responds—His recognition of Jehovah as the place of safety. In verses 3-8, the Spirit speaks of the preservation of Christ on earth without any conditions. In verses 9-13, the Spirit continues to speak of the preservation of Christ with one condition, namely in verse 9, “Because thou hast made the Lord…thy habitation”. Finally in verses 14-16 the Father speaks—His purpose to set the Son up on high, v. 14.

The words “the secret place”, v. 1; “thy habitation”, v. 9; “thy dwelling”, v. 10, do not refer to any building on earth; the thought is entirely spiritual. In fact, no reference to tabernacle or temple in Jerusalem occurs in the psalm. The angelic ministry in verses 11, 12 protected Christ against stumbling-stones (not physical stones) placed before Him by men and Satan. There were twelve legions of angels ready to protect Him, but when on the cross He did not call them.

Yet as we know verses 11, 12 were quoted by Satan to the Lord Jesus during the temptation in the wilderness, Matt. 4. 6. Satan’s original objective had been to ascend to be like the most High, Isa. 14. 14, though he would be brought down to hell. He could not bear the thought of Christ being set up on high, Psa. 91. 14. So he took the Lord up to “a pinnacle of the temple”, namely Herod’s temple on mount Moriah, and tempted Him to cast Himself down, quoting Psalm 91. 11, 12 to demonstrate the angelic hands that would preserve Him. We doubt whether he believed this psalm; rather the temptation was a plot to kill the Lord so that He could not be raised on high to a position that Satan would like! “It is written”, the Lord answered to terminate that particular temptation. “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God” is taken aptly from the O.T. in the context where the people were not to go after other gods, Deut. 6. 14-16. Christ set His love uniquely upon His God, Psa. 91. 14, and Satan was defeated.

“Are they not all ministering spirits?”, Heb. 1. 14.


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