This verse is taken from:
Matthew 13. 33-35
Thought of the day for:
20 July 2024

This fourth parable of ‘the kingdom of the heavens’, see also Luke 13. 21, is linked with the previous parable of the mustard seed. It predicts the kingdom’s thorough corruption, and corre­sponds in time to the dark middle ages, represented by the fourth church of Revelation, Thyatira, Rev. 2. 18-29. Then Romanism and popery dominated, and false doctrine prevailed.

As with the mustard seed, some commentators have inter­preted this parable to depict the gradual triumph of the gospel throughout the world. But leaven in scripture almost invariably has an evil connotation. It is more consistent to see ‘the woman’, v. 33, as a type of the false church, ‘the mother of harlots’, Rev. 17. 5, who persistently debases scripture by replacing it with church tradition and dogma. Today, she is abetted by a multiplic­ity of false cults who also pervert biblical truth.

‘The kingdom of the heavens’ is likened to a gospel feast for all, Matt. 22. 2-14. The first four parables mark steps in prepa­ration of food for the guests. Firstly, wheat, the staple grain, is harvested and crushed for flour, ‘three measures of meal’, v. 33, enough for a large loaf. Fine flour in scripture is a type of divine excellence. ‘Three’ speaks of the Trinity, those sublime truths concerning the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They, and the sacrifice of Christ, represented by the ‘oxen and fatlings’, Matt. 22. 4, are the food of the children of the kingdom. Then, mustard, a spicy herb to impart flavour, is added - the word must be mixed with faith. But now, an unnamed woman secretly ‘hides’ leaven, yeast, in the dough causing fermentation, as it permeates and degrades the pure meal.

The head of the Roman church abrogates the titles of the tri­une God by calling himself ‘the holy father’, ‘the vicar of Christ’, and ‘the supreme pontiff’. The doctrines of transubstantiation, mariolatry, purgatory, and indulgences are corrupt. Likewise, false cults are exposed by their denial of the Trinity, the deity and equality of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Yes, the kingdom is under attack. The picture may appear gloomy. But all is not lost. Our King, though absent, reigns supreme, and His truth will ultimately prevail!


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