This verse is taken from:
Revelation 7. 9-17
Thought of the day for:
17 December 2022

The Lamb has already been seen in the midst of the throne in relation to His dealings with things in heaven, Rev. 5. 6. That scene, however, is very different from the one in the passage before us today.

Chapter 7 does not form part of the chronological narrative, but is a parenthetic section that deals with two companies of people. The first company, vv. 1-8, is that of the 144,000 Jews who are sovereignly sealed by God before the tribulation period commences, and who will be miraculously preserved right through to the end of that time. Today’s reading speaks of the second company which is universal in its composition and so vast that it is innumerable by man. These are the surviving saints of the tribulation period, seen once that terrible time has come to an end, vv. 13-14. Their location is on the earth, a fact that need not cause dismay even though the throne of God is clearly in heaven. The setting of these verses is the commencement of the millennial reign of Christ, and a significant feature of that glorious age is that heaven is open, Rev. 19. 11. Hence this multitude on earth can stand ‘before the throne, and before the Lamb’, v. 9, and gladly acknowledge the divine source of their salvation. To that acclamation the angels in heaven say ‘Amen’, falling prostrate in worship before God, vv. 11-12.

What a tremendous contrast there is between their time of suffering and the glory into which they have emerged! Their white robes demonstrate their acceptance before the throne of God in virtue of the blood of the Lamb. Their privilege is to ‘serve him day and night in his temple’, v. 15, in fulfilment of the lovely words ‘Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord .. . even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer’, Isa. 56. 6-7. Their suffering is forever past, v. 16, and they will know the shepherd care of ‘the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne’. He will tend them, guide them and bring them into unparalleled blessing in His millennial reign where, with tenderness as great as was His wrath during the tribulation days, God shall wipe every tear from their eyes.


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