This verse is taken from:
Psalm 147. 1-11
Thought of the day for:
26 August 2023

It is a general principle in Scripture that God’s requirements of His people are always for their benefit as well as for His glory. Praise is no exception. It is, indeed, the key to a happy and healthy Christian life, Psa. 146. 5, for it occupies our minds with the only object in which we shall ever find complete satisfaction, God Himself. As Augustine wrote, “Thou movest us to delight in praising Thee; for Thou hast formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in Thee”.

This psalm declares three distinct benefits of praise: it is good, pleasant, and comely, v. 1. It is good for us because it prevents our thoughts from dwelling on evil. The way to quench Satan’s fiery darts of wickedness and to counter the insidious temptations of the world and the flesh is not to strive for their expulsion from our minds. That we cannot do; rather, we must fill our hearts with an alternative and superior object. Thus Paul encourages positive thinking in the believer: “if there be any praise, think on these things”, Phil. 4. 8. When the enemy attacks today, we must dwell upon God’s greatness, Psa. 147. 5, 6, and sing praises, v. 7.

Second, praise is pleasant. Never forget that it brings pleasure to God’s heart when His saints worship Him, vv. 1011. His delight is not in our human assets, be they physical strength, intelligence, business successs, or personal charm (although all come from Him), but in our adoration. May our worship show that we are those who fear Him, v. 11. And praise should also delight us. It is no drudgery to worship our Redeemer but an infallible antidote to misery, v. 7; 149. 5.

Finally, “praise is comely”, v. 1. That is, it is both appropriate and beautiful. Meditate upon the works of God that feature in this psalm, and discover how fitting it is that He should be magnified. Scanty praise always indicates an inadequate appreciation of Jehovah. The remedy for that is to read the psalm again—and yet again! By then its beauty may grip us as we learn how lovely it is to glorify God; “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me”, Psa. 50. 23.

“We should be to the praise of his glory”, Eph. 1. 12.


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