This verse is taken from:
Isaiah 11. 10-16
Thought of the day for:
11 May 2024

It is interesting that even Jewish writers, with no knowledge of Jesus as Lord, are compelled to concede that the prophet is here speaking of Messiah. Some of these writers refer to ‘the ideal ruler’ but fail to see the fulfilment of this in the Lord Jesus. And yet, how exactly do these verses refer to Him.

The term ‘root of Jesse’ occurs also in the opening verse of this chapter and what a contrast with the closing verses of chap­ter 10. There the mighty armies of Assyria and Lebanon are likened to a thick forest, but they will be cut down, and there fol­lows the reference to the apparently dead stock of Jesse out of which will spring a Branch, a slender shoot or twig.

Isaiah projects the thoughts of his readers to ‘that day’, a time yet future when Messiah will reign in fulfilment of countless Old Testament prophecies. From obscure and humble beginnings Jesus of Nazareth will eventually come to the throne of His father David, the son of Jesse. The family of Jesse was of lit­tle importance in the town of Bethlehem and Bethlehem itself was ‘little among the thousands of Judah’, Mic. 5. 2. If the family may have been illustrious in the days when David was King of Israel yet now that greatness was gone and Jesus was born into poor circumstances in the home of the carpenter of Nazareth, ‘a tender plant … out of a dry ground’ indeed, Isa. 53. 2.

But His greatness is assured and in that coming day of glory He will be as an ensign, a standard or banner set up as a rallying point or gathering centre for the people. This is not only the peo­ple of Israel but, as the prophet distinctly says, ‘to it shall the Gentiles seek’. In that day, His rest shall be glorious, or, as most other versions render it, ‘His resting-place shall be glory’. As Simeon prophesied in those infant days of Jesus saying, ‘a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel’, Luke 2. 32, so it will be then and Messiah will rest in His glory and the nations will be blessed.

The tender plant will become fruitful and prosperous in mil­lennial glory and that verse in another part of Isaiah’s prophecy will have its fulfilment, ‘He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied’, Isa 53. 11.


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