This verse is taken from:
John 8. 12-32
Thought of the day for:
5 September 2024

This great ‘I am’ was pronounced by the Lord in the courts of the temple. That the entire world lies in moral and spiritual darkness is obvious from His statement. It is the darkness of sin, ignorance of God and unbelief in Him that is meant here. He has come as a light into the world. Men and women, who trust Him, believe on Him and follow Him, will not abide in the darkness in which the unbelieving world walks, John 12. 46. Furthermore, they will enjoy the light of a heart settled on Christ, of a conscience freed from guilt and of a mind at peace with God. They shall indeed have the light of life.

His enemies, on whom His light did shine, could not com­prehend it, John 1. 5. They challenged His claim by discrediting His testimony of Himself, John 8. 13. But why should we believe Him rather than the sinners who contradicted Him?

We believe Him because of who He is, for He ‘was the true Light, which lighteth every man’, John 1. 9. And, ‘in Him was life; and the life was the light of men’, John 1. 4. His enemies were from beneath, He was from above; they were of this dark world, He came from the realms of light, John 8. 23

We believe Him because of His atoning work on the cross, ‘When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then ye shall know that I am he’, v. 28. For there, true to His mission on earth, He tasted death by the grace of God for every man, thus He is able to impart life and light to all who trust Him.

We believe Him because He judges righteously and not according to the flesh as the Pharisees did. Therefore, His record of Himself is true, since the Father also bears witness of Him, vv. 14-18. We also believe Him because, as the perfect prophet, He spoke only the Father’s own words, v. 26-28.

We believe Him because of His perfect sinless earthly life which pleased the Father in all things. Hence, He enjoyed an uninterrupted fellowship with the Father, v. 29.

And, finally, we believe Him because of His divine emanci­pating power that delivers those who believe on Him from the dominion of sin. ‘If ye continue in my word … ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’, vv. 31, 32.


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