This verse is taken from:
John 10. 1-9
Thought of the day for:
6 September 2024

In the previous chapter, we saw the Lord giving sight to a beggar who was born blind. The spiritually blind leaders promptly cast out the poor man on account of his testimony of Christ. The Lord here continued addressing those leaders regarding His immi­nent calling of His own sheep, like that beggar, out of the fold of Israel. This, however, had to wait for His death on the cross, after which the fold of Judaism would no longer be sanctioned by God. Only a small remnant of believers in Israel would recog­nize His voice and follow Him.

Speaking to them in an allegory, He first described Himself as the ‘shepherd of the sheep’, v. 2, because He entered by the door into the sheepfold and did not climb up some other way. This certainly refers to the truth of Him being born under the law and having conformed unto all its rites and ordinances. For He was circumcised on the eighth day, presented to God at the temple and baptized by John in Jordan. To this Shepherd, the Baptist, here called the porter, opened the door and He lawfully entered into the fold. There, He spoke and those who were His own sheep heard His voice and in due time followed Him outside the gate, cf. v. 27; 18. 37.

The proverb was not clearly understood, so the Lord contin­ued to speak of Himself as the ‘the door of the sheep’, v. 7. For He was the only way appointed of God by which the sheep can leave the fold of Judaism. Even now, to those who by birth belong to the stock of Israel, placed under Mosaic ritual, the only way out that has divine authority is to follow Jesus Christ.

Finally, the Lord spoke of Himself as ‘the door’, v. 9, not only for the sheep in Israel’s fold but for all mankind. Those who believe on Him and enter in by Him will first find full and free salvation for their souls. They will receive forgiveness of sins, deliverance from the power of sin, and life eternal. Secondly, they will find freedom from the ritual of the law as they discover that new commonality of the body of Christ, where there is nei­ther Jew nor Gentile. Thirdly, they will find pasture, for the great Shepherd will feed them and will lead them unto fountains of living waters, Rev. 7. 17.


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