How can Satan cast out Satan?

This verse is taken from:
Mark 3. 13-35
Thought of the day for:
20 February 2025

Today’s reading contains various groups of people: disciples, vv. 13-19, ‘the multitude’, v. 20, ‘friends’, v. 21, ‘scribes’, vv. 22-30, and ‘his brethren and his mother’, vv. 31-35.

From His many disciples, twelve were chosen to ‘be with him’. He appreciated human society, but for them, being with Him was a necessary prerequisite for effective service. That is how it has to be for us too. These men were diverse in background and temperament, for God’s servants are not clones; we all have potential for His service.

The demands of the multitude deprived Him of a meal break. He always ensured that others were fed, whether it was a solitary little girl, 5. 43, or vast crowds, 6. 37; 8. 2, but here the interests of others took priority over His own needs.

Such was His dedication and selflessness, that His friends questioned His sanity. Be prepared for misunderstanding if your spirituality and devotion are well above average. He experienced it from the age of twelve, when Mary misconstrued His commitment to His ‘Father’s business’, Luke 2. 49.

The scribes took their cue from the criticism of His friends and suggested a more sinister reason for what was regarded as extreme behaviour; they said He was energized by Satan. Firstly, the Lord showed how illogical their attitude was - Satan would never expel his own kind; a divided kingdom is doomed - a lesson we all need to learn. Secondly, someone as strong as the devil has to be bound by a superior power. Frequently, the omnipotent Christ robbed him of his captives: people like the man of Gadara, or Mary Magdalene. Thirdly, by making their absurd suggestion, these scribes crossed a line that placed them beyond pardon; they had blasphemed against the Holy Spirit by implying that the Spirit’s power by which He performed His miracles was the devil’s. That unforgivable sin was committed exclusively by people who saw Him when He was here.

The arrival of His mother and brethren gave Him opportunity to explain that it is possible to have a closer relationship with Him than with those whose connection was purely natural. Doing God’s will places us close to His heart!


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