This verse is taken from:
Psalm 144. 1-15; Psalm 18. 2
Thought of the day for:
10 March 2022

The addition of Book 5, Pss. 107?150, to the Psalms after the Babylonian captivity raises questions. Why were some of David’s psalms, written centuries before, not included earlier? They were inspired, but were not added to the hymn book until God’s people returned to their land. Why did this psalm appeal to them then?

The key is in the last four verses. The first four verses of the psalm record David’s praise for his ascendancy. The Lord had given him victory over his enemies and united Israel under him. That kingdom’s return was the theme of Zechariah’s encouragement to the remnant. In the next four verses, we read David’s prayer for his victory. God, who manifested His transcendent majesty at Sinai, could overcome David’s Gentile enemies by Himself. How appealing this was to the remnant! The remaining verses show David’s perception for Israel’s prosperity. He desired this victory over the Gentiles because he envisioned this bringing abundant blessing to His people. These desirable conditions would surround a people whose God is the Lord. One day they will realize a united realm, a final victory over the Gentiles, and abundant blessings.

How important, then, is the truth at this psalm’s beginning! The first two verses have seven portraits of the Lord. He is ‘my strength’ in the sense of enduring enablement, equipping him for war. ‘My lovingkindness’, RV, suggests loving loyalty to a lowly shepherd. Strategic security expresses the meaning of ‘my fortress’, a word related to Israel’s historic Masada. Those three relate to David’s exaltation, the last three to his preservation. ‘My deliverer’ suggests effective escape out of danger. ‘My Shield’ provides preclusive protection from danger. ‘The one in whom I trust’ is a ready refuge while in danger. These titles summarize His preservation. Central among the seven is ‘my high tower’, his association. This High Tower was his restful retreat, set on high, in a height inaccessible to every foe, serene in His God. These portraits, this one above all, capture the Lord’s sufficiency for David, for the remnant, and for us.


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