This verse is taken from:
Psalm 72
Thought of the day for:
7 November 2023

How often do we hear people criticize the government, the king or queen, or president, the judge, the magistrate, the police, indeed anyone, good or bad, in authority. It is a fatal flaw in human nature. None of us, not even children, readily submits to authority, and if given it ourselves we often fail to use it wisely. God invested Noah with worldwide authority to re-establish the sacredness of human life, because the earth had become “filled with violence” before the flood, Gen. chs. 6, 9. Later He gave the law to Israel to reassert His own supreme authority, and to re-establish the authority of leaders and parents who are answerable to Him, Exod. 20. 1-17.

Think of the grievously lawless state of mankind today. It is very clearly described in Paul’s Epistle 2 Tim. 3. 1-4. How much the world needs a wise, just, merciful and powerful Ruler! How happily reassuring is the promise, “a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment (justice)”, Isa. 32. 1. God has in reserve His Son, a perfect Ruler who will have perfectly suitable subordinates.

In this psalm, David prays for, and prophesies concerning this coming King, for David was a prophet, Acts 2. 25-31. But before his death, he had Solomon installed and acclaimed as king. Like a compassionate shepherd-king, he prays in this psalm that righteousness and justice, the foundation of the throne of God, will be the foundation of Solomon’s also.

But a greater than Solomon is in view. For “all kings shall fall down before him”, v. 11, and “all nations shall call him blessed”, v. 17. Moreover, His name shall last as long as the sun and moon endure, “throughout all generations”, vv. 5, 17. Our Lord’s death is prophesied in Psalm 22, His resurrection in Psalm 16, and His reign on earth in Psalm 72. Then “the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever”, Isa. 32. 17. This is the prospect when the present period of God’s patience is ended and the ungodly are judged: our Lord Jesus Christ will be over all, blessed for ever.

“He is Lord of lords, and King of kings”, Rev. 17. 14.


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