This verse is taken from:
Psalm 18. 20-31
Thought of the day for:
1 March 2024

While most modern translations employ the word ‘shield’ in place of ‘buckler,’ in Ezekiel ‘buckler’ and ‘shield’, appear together. Shields came in different sizes and were designed for different purposes. The buckler was not large, probably round in shape and made of a wooden frame with specially prepared leather tightly stretched around it. Warriors with larger shields often stood side by side, shield to shield, presenting to the enemy a formidable barrier. This shield was smaller, very personal and used to protect the individual from direct attack. The blessings of being part of the Christian community are real, yet the truth is that we face very personal enemies. This Psalmist has referred to God as ‘my buckler’, v. 2. God knows our circumstances and He steps in as a shield to protect and help us.

There is nothing shallow about God’s dealings with us. The poet writes, ‘As for God, his way is perfect’, v. 30. It is not easy to accept unexpected situations that arise. There are events that totally change one’s life here forever. Temptations appear out of nowhere. Real physical dangers, which surrounded the writer of this psalm, can appear at any moment in anyone’s life. That God is our shield does not imply that we will go through life without dangers, but it does affirm that whatever happens, God will be with us.

The poet clearly states, God is a buckler ‘to all those that trust in him’, v. 30. The many dangers Paul endured never lessened his confidence in God. Because of his many sufferings he should have died many times. Yet the stones at Lystra never achieved their purpose because God, the invisible shield, protected him, Acts 14. 19, 20. The ferocious storm, so severe that everyone had given up hope of surviving, could not destroy the crew and passengers for the buckler was there, Acts 27. 14-44. Now, the apostle is a prematurely battered and bruised old man. Yet, he writes to his friends assuring them that, in Christ, he can do all things, Phil. 4. 13. He loves Christ and continues to share God’s good news with human beings who desperately need God’s love. Let us live in the awareness that God is our shield whatever dangers arise in this mission and in our private lives.


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