This verse is taken from:
Matthew 12. 42
Thought of the day for:
17 June 2022

Just as Jonah was great, so was Solomon! It is possibly more apparent to us how great Solomon was.

Solomon had a dream and Jehovah appeared to him with an offer. ‘Ask what I shall give thee’, 1 Kgs. 3. 5. The Lord was so delighted with Solomon’s request for an understanding heart, and wisdom to judge righteously, that He gave him honour and riches as well, plus the accolade that he would be the greatest of all the kings in his lifetime. How can anyone be greater than that? The Lord Jesus is described in the book of Revelation as being ‘King of Kings and Lord of Lords’, Rev. 19.16. Everything that exists was ‘created by him, and for him’, Col. 1.16, and the Father has ‘given all things into his hands’, John 13. 3. It is the divine purpose to ‘gather together in one all things in Christ’, Eph. 1. 10. The Lord Jesus is greater than Solomon in honour and riches.

What about wisdom? In 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 30 we are taught that Christ Jesus ‘is made unto us wisdom’. Luke records that Jesus, as a child, was ‘filled with wisdom’, Luke 2.40. In chapter 2 verse 52, the Lord ‘increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man’. Just as Jonah had a message but was not the message, so Solomon had wisdom but was not ‘wisdom’. The Lord Jesus is ‘wisdom’.

Now, when the Queen of Sheba ‘heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord’, 1 Kgs. 10.1, she travelled with a great entourage to ask Solomon some hard questions, to test him. Solomon told her everything she wanted to know. She had a tour and was speechless when she saw the magnificence of his palaces, his outstanding cuisine, the pomp and ceremony of the king’s servants and the honour and dignity of the king. Why, she said, all that I heard was true, in fact ‘the half was not told me’, 1 Kgs. 10. 7.

The Queen of Sheba came to hear, and believed. The Lord of heaven and earth came to earth to reveal the wisdom, riches and honour of God to man - and they believed not the ‘greater than Solomon’.

Praise God for those who have believed!


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