This verse is taken from:
Psalm 121
Thought of the day for:
24 December 2023

To those of us who love the Lord and who think of the original anticipation of His birth, this day has perhaps a special significance. In anticipation, there is joy—that of promises fulfilled in Christ’s coming to earth. We think of the shepherds who sat watching, and saw from heaven what they had never expected. With our psalmist, we too will lift up our eyes to the mountains. Not that our help comes from these. Today, we look higher, since, as at that first Christmastide, our help comes from the Lord, namely from Jehovah who always keeps promise. We look, awaiting a second return.

As we interpret this psalm in the light of the incarnation, what great thoughts it provokes. Note that the great theme of the psalm is “The Lord … thy keeper”, the One who keeps His word and who keeps His people. The thought of being kept resounds through the psalm six times (see R.V.), since “preserve” is the same word. In these verses, expectations and hopes become realities. Let us rejoice today as we feel the keeping power of our God about us. In Psalm 115 yesterday we were in the dark; today we are in His grip.

Let us learn, His keeping brings Establishment, v. 3. The foot shall never slide, for our Keeper does not slumber. He is never taken by surprise. The keeping of our Lord also provides Encouragement, v. 4. We know that He neither fitfully slumbers nor lengthily sleeps. How different to Baal, 1 Kings 18. 27. With what confidence we can rest in the Lord. Moreover, His keeping supplies Refreshment, vv. 5, 6. By day or night, sunlight or moonlight, He is ever the corrective shade. Now, more deeply still, in Him we have safe Encirclement, v. 7; He keeps from evil, moral and physical. He keeps the soul, John 10. 29; what guardianship we enjoy. Again, in all our movements for Him, He inspires a true Abandonment, knowing that He “shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways”, Psa. 91. 11. What precious gifts to receive and enjoy this very day from the Lord! So we can say, anticipatively, these things shall be ours in fulness “from this time forth (from this very day), and even for evermore”.

“Kept by the power of God”, 1 Pet. 1. 5.


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