This verse is taken from:
Psalm 89
Thought of the day for:
29 October 2023

“The fruit of thy body”, Psa. 132. 11.

The eventual restoration of Israel rests on God’s faithfulness to the Davidic covenant, all fulfilled in Christ. It is a covenant of grace ratified by the precious blood of Christ. Big issues hinge on seemingly small details; thus Ruth’s choice at the crossroads in the presence of Naomi and Orpah resulted in a great grandson by the name of David. Here we are looking at great David’s greater Son.

A Royal Precedence, v. 26. “He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father”. One Son without sin, but never a Son without a prayer. The Son acknowledges the Father and the Father honours the Son.

A Royal Prerogative, v. 27, “my firstborn”. Christ has by inheritance a more glorious name than all of the angels, Heb. 1. 4. The Jews would recall this, as they thought of the eldest son in a family, with all his privileges and his birthright.

A Royal Promise, v. 28, “my covenant shall stand fast with him”. A promise that is ratified by an oath of God, and by the blood of the sacrifice of Christ, is a covenant of grace that is sure to all because it stands fast with Him. “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen”, 2 Cor. 1. 20. In other words, all the promises of God are fulfilled in Christ.

A Royal Progression, vv. 29, 36, 37. David’s seed lives on in his greater Son, Christ, and His seed in every believer, thus answering the dilemma of the enquirer in Isaiah 53. 8, “who shall declare his generation?”. The duration of God’s throne is as the days of heaven and not as the days of earth. And how long is a day in heaven?, Psa. 89. 29. And again, His throne is “as the sun before me”, v. 36, not just as the sun, but as the sun before Me. God commands and controls the sun and the entire universe; in other words, God is on the throne. “It shall be established for ever as the moon”, v. 37. The moon fixed the Jewish calendar and the feasts in Leviticus 23, which are described as “statutes for ever”. So the throne of God is for ever.

The kings of the world are like stars—they rise and set.


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