This verse is taken from:
Psalm 139
Thought of the day for:
12 January 2023

The All-knowing God, vv. 1-6

David loved the fellowship of God’s worshipping people. But he did not neglect to sit alone before the Lord, 2 Sam. 7. 18, as can be seen in the personal “I” and “me” throughout this psalm. Meditation is searching and enriching, for it does not represent a vacuum, but is the consideration of God’s thoughts from His Word.

The daily activities (downsitting and uprising), thoughts before they have been formulated, the paths proposed, the words before they are articulated: God knew them altogether! Such knowledge is too high for us, and very searching, but to those who live in its light, “the living one who seeth me” becomes a well of refreshing, Gen. 16. 14 R.V. marg.

The Ever-present God, vv. 7-12

God’s omnipresence is a further arresting thought. Neither height nor depth, neither east nor west, can become a hiding place from Him. From the time of man’s attempted hiding from God in Eden, guilty men (both wise and foolish) have attempted to do so, Jonah 1. 3; Rev. 6. 16. But our psalmist finds that the truth of God’s prevailing presence brings great comfort to him. Conscience would put the Lord at a distance (“Depart from me”), but mercy would drive us to Him (“fell down at Jesus’ knees”), Luke 5. 8.

The Ever-planning God, vv. 13-18

David’ is convinced that the God who knew him and fashioned him in his prenatal state, has also recorded all His purposeful thoughts towards him. “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!”, he exclaims.

His life was planned by an overruling Providence (see Jer. 1. 5; Gal. 1. 15). Whom God foreknew, He also foreordained to be conformed to the image of His Son. In view of this, “all things work together for good”, Rom. 8. 28-29. Such counsels of the Lord stand for ever, for they are the thoughts of His heart to all generations, Psa. 33. 11, and they are to us-ward who believe, Psa. 40. 5; Eph. 2. 7.

“We have the mind of Christ”, 1 Cor. 2. 16;

“Set your mind on the things that are above”, Col. 3. 2 R.V.


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