This verse is taken from:
Luke 1. 46-56
Thought of the day for:
25 June 2022

This is the touching exclamation of the woman who was selected by God to do a work that no one else has ever done, or ever will do. She is the unique, blessed and highly favoured mother of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Listen carefully to her words. Most of the religious world has conveniently forgotten that these words were spoken by this woman. She lifts her voice and proclaims, ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord’. Worship is sometimes difficult to put into words. What depths of meaning are in these words! How often do we stop to express our gratitude for what God is and what He has done?

Listen again! Mary says, ‘my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour’. But Mary you are the vessel through which God will bring His holy Son into this world! Why do you need a Saviour? Mary understood well that all have sinned, and that she was no exception. God would in grace use this godly young woman to bring His Son into the world. God manifest in flesh took none of His character from Mary; ‘she was found with child of the Holy Ghost’, Matt. 1. 18. Mary still needed a Saviour and the One she carried in her womb would be the Saviour of the world.

As we continue to read Mary’s words, we get a clearer picture of how little she thought of herself. She talks about ‘her low estate’. She addresses God as ‘he that is mighty’. Her understanding of the holiness of God is clear. She has the utmost confidence in the mercy of God, which is why she says ‘his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation’, v. 50.

The challenge for us today is twofold. First, to live a holy life so that we are in a condition where God can use us. Then to develop a personal knowledge of God. This will give us an appreciation of how He operates and also of how much He has blessed us.

May the Lord help us to develop these features, which characterised the One who is our Saviour, in our personal life, our family life and our assembly life.


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