This verse is taken from:
Psalms 18. 2, 29-39; 42. 9; 62. 2
Thought of the day for:
26 January 2023

In a world of uncertainty and instability, nothing can be more precious than knowing and believing that God is one’s Rock. He only is the Rock, Psa. 18. 31; 62. 2. No other foundation is laid, 1 Cor. 3. 11, for our souls’ salvation, and for faith to build upon, Matt. 7. 24.

The world has its bogus rock-foundations, but “their rock is not as our Rock”; eventually this will be admitted by our enemies, Deut. 32. 31. On their rock is the subtle serpent who can persuade his dupes that incohesive sand is solid rock, Prov. 30. 19, but God will lay bare such a foundation, Mic. 1. 6.

Our Rock is our fortress, saving us from the assaults of our enemies, Psa. 18. 2-3, and causing us to stand upon the Rock while He makes all His goodness panoramically to pass before our souls, Exod. 33. 19-23. This is mercy from first to last.

In the fearsome gales, we hide in the cleft of the rock, His hand covering us with warmth and tenderness, Exod. 33. 22.

In perplexity, it is well to utter our questionings to God, who is the Rock higher than we, Psa. 42. 9; 61. 2. Then our hearts will confess, “He only is my Rock … I shall not be greatly moved”, 62. 2.

Paul sees the Rock smitten in the wilderness as prefiguring Christ: “that Rock was Christ”, 1 Cor. 10. 4; Exod. 17. 6. It was consequent on the Lord’s being smitten for our sins, and being glorified, that the streams of the Spirit’s blessing came to us, John 7. 39. Of the wilderness rock it is testified that “He opened the rock, and waters gushed out” as streams, Psa. 105. 41; 78. 16. Of the Spirit’s effusion, it is asserted that He was poured forth, Acts 2. 17-18, 33; 10. 45; Titus 3. 6.

What fruitfulness is brought into the life, when the Spirit is allowed to minister Christ to the heart, Gal. 5. 22. Yea, what sweetness is found in the Rock which is Christ, Psa. 81. 16.

On the Rock, the Son of the living God, confessed by those who believe in Him, His church is founded, Matt. 16. 16-18, so “Unto you therefore which believe he (the Stone) is precious”, 1 Pet. 2. 7.


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