This verse is taken from:
Psalm 80
Thought of the day for:
15 January 2023

The ark in the tabernacle and temple of old was the symbolic throne of God. At either end of the mercy seat was a golden cherub, looking downwards towards the seat. Our psalmist speaks of God as seated between these cherubim, Psa. 80. 1; see Hebrews 9. 4-5. God is seated upon “the throne of his holiness”, 47. 8. Justice and judgment are the foundation of that throne, 89. 14 R.V.; 97. 2.

On the yearly Day of Atonement, the blood of propitiation was sprinkled upon the seat, Lev. 16. By this it became the “mercy seat”, for mercy and truth met together, righteousness and peace kissed each other, Psa. 85. 10. It was God who provided the sacrifice, Lev. 17. 11.

To us it is written: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins”, 1 John 4. 10, and “God has set forth Christ Jesus a mercy seat through faith in his blood, for the showing forth of his righteousness”, Rom. 3. 25 J.N.D. Thus the God who dwells between the cherubim can be just and the justifier of him that believes, Rom. 3. 26. We rightly joy in God through the Lord Jesus Christ through whom we received the reconciliation, 5. 11 R.V.

The ark also spoke of God’s presence with His pilgrim people, leading them and seeking a place of rest for them, Num. 10. 33; Josh. 3. 14. “I am a stranger”, said the psalmist, but more, “a stranger with thee”, Psa. 39. 12.

In Psalm 80, the writer speaks of the oppression of the enemy. Prayer seems unavailing; “How long?”, is the cry, v. 4. He recalls that there was to be a vine for God’s delight and testimony, v. 8. His prayer is for restoration to fruitfulness and to be able to sense afresh the glory and presence of God who dwelt between the cherubim, so that God’s face may shine upon him, vv. 1, 3, 7, 19.

By the Spirit of prophecy, the writer is directed to the Man of God’s right hand who was upheld in His faithful service, v. 17; Isa. 42. 1. Recourse to Him can quicken him (and us) so that he would never go back from God, Psa. 80. 18.

“I chose you … that ye should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should abide”, John 15. 16 R.V.


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