This verse is taken from:
Psalm 91
Thought of the day for:
7 January 2023

The psalmist first states his own experience, vv. 1-2. Then he addresses himself in testimony to individual listeners, vv. 3-13. Finally, God confirms the truths affirmed, vv. 14-16.

The writer had experimentally known God by entering into the message of the Name, v. 14. The “most High” is the One above all the conflicts without, v. 1. This reduces the enemies to their real size! The “Almighty” (Shaddai) is the all-sufficient One, v. 1. “The Lord” is the unchanging One, Mal. 3. 6.

For the writer, this was not just knowing God in a general way, but learning all this in the secret place which is known only to faith, v. 1. It is the place of warming love, which softly cherishes away from the harshness of the rough world, v. 4; Deut. 32. 11; Matt. 23. 37, and becomes his own refuge and fortress in which he determines to trust, v. 2. By making it his habitual resort, it becomes his habitation, v. 9.

The terrors without are real and active both by night and day, vv. 5-6. But no evil shall attain its object, v. 10. Not a hair of the head shall perish or be singed by the fire, even if slain for the Lord’s sake, Luke 21. 16-18; Dan. 3. 27. God’s promise is explicit, “I will be with thee … I will deliver him”, Psa. 91. 15.

The lion of open opposition goes about seeking whom he can devour; the subtle adder silently strikes. But faith sees the victory in Him who has overcome them, and who asserts that “the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly”, Psa. 91. 13; Rom. 16. 20; Eph. 1. 22. To this end, He shall give His angels command to be ministering spirits to these heirs of salvation, Heb. 1. 14; Psa. 91. 11-16.

But the cunning serpent, whilst avoiding the verses of our Psalm which indicate his coming doom, can misuse and misquote the Scripture, as at the temptation of our Lord, Matt. 4. 5-7; Psa. 91. 11-12. “Do something to attract attention to yourself! Put God to the test in your own demonstrative way” were the implied meanings of his subtle suggestions! Forsake the secret place of simple faith and obedience? Never! Our Lord’s one thrust with the sword of the Spirit was simple and effective. “It is written …”, Matt. 4. 4, 7, 10.


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