This verse is taken from:
Psalm 135
Thought of the day for:
1 January 2023

God made man in His own image. Eventually man was making gods after his own likeness, thereby expressing his debased thoughts in images cast from the moulds of his passions and darkness. The inspiring spirit behind these varied products was the evil one himself. They were “abominations”, “lies” and “vanities”. They that made them were like unto them. So were they that trusted them, for they became “vanities” in life, lived a “lie”, and worshipped they knew not what, Psa. 135. 18; Isa. 40. 20; John 4. 22.

But “our God is above all gods”, Psa. 135. 5. Whatsoever He does is of His own pleasure and purpose, v. 6. The idol was nailed down, being limited to their petty thoughts, Isa. 46. 7; it had been a burden to its makers and to those who carried it. In contrast, the Lord is the One who bares and carries even to old age, vv. 1-4. In due time, Messiah would have “borne our sins, and carried our sorrows”, 53. 4.

God’s Name (His character, nature and renown) had been revealed, and it was His memorial throughout all generations, Psa. 135. 13; Exod. 3. 15. He is the Self-revealing and Self-sustaining God, who in the fulness of the times was fully revealed in His beloved Son, John 1. 18.

Of His own purpose, God has chosen Israel, making them His peculiar treasure and giving them an inheritance, Psa. 135. 4, 12. So our psalmist calls repeatedly for praise and blessing from the congregation, and the priests and Levites, vv. 1, 19, for such was pleasant, v. 3.

We have the more reasons so to do, being priests unto God, showing forth the praises of Him who predestinated us after the counsel of His own will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, 1 Pet. 2. 9; Eph. 1. 11; Heb. 13. 15.

Rise our hearts, and bless the Father, Ceaseless song e’en here begun, Endless praise and adoration To the Father and the Son. (Centra Thompson)


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