This verse is taken from:
Revelation 1. 5
Thought of the day for:
30 November 2022

In yesterday’s study we described today’s title as a statement for the present. The Lord is alive and remains alive. It is this that distinguishes the Lord from all raised earlier.

We may recall the three people that the Lord raised from the dead. For the widow of Nain, Luke 7, the loss of her only son brought great grief at a second death in the family, but also uncertainty as to the future and how she might live. For Jairus, Mark 5 and Luke 8, the loss of his daughter, a girl of only twelve, would bring great sadness at a young life cut off so early. In Lazarus, John 11, we have the same sadness at the loss of a friend and family member. All of these portray aspects of the resurrection of Christ, for He has removed uncertainty as to the future and assured us that ‘them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him’, 1 Thess. 4.14.

But although all these were raised, they all died again. This title tells us that the Lord has priority in time. He is the first to be raised to die no more. But, as He is the first begotten of the dead, this assures us that others will follow. He provides the assurance that the believer’s hope will be accomplished in all its fullness.

Apart from first in time, this title also indicates a primacy in rank. His was an ‘out-resurrection’, leaving the bounds of death forever. His resurrection was the verification of the reality of His claims. The uniqueness of Christianity is the fact of a risen Christ! He is who He claims to be! But His resurrection is also the vindication of His work. The resurrection of Christ is a declaration of the completeness and acceptability of the sacrifice that He made at Calvary. There is no one else to whom God has said, ‘Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool’, Heb. 1.13. His resurrection also displays the victory of His cross. Satanic forces were ranged against Him in all their malevolence. Men thought they had seen His defeat and death. But, three days later the angel said, ‘he is risen’, Matt. 28. 6. Forty days later He ascended to glory. What a resurrection! He has shaken off the bonds of death forever. He has been raised in a body fitted for dwelling in a heavenly sphere.


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