This verse is taken from:
Luke 17. 1-6
Thought of the day for:
26 August 2024

The Lord Jesus is again addressing His disciples about the important issues in life. Why did they feel it necessary to say, ‘Lord, Increase our faith’.

The Lord, as always, was shedding heavenly light on earthly problems. He taught that it is impossible to go through life with­out being, ‘offended’, or stumbled by someone. The word has the idea of the laying of a trap or snare to catch a victim, or the placing of something in the path to cause someone to trip and fall. To cause offence, to stumble a ‘little one’, a young believer, or, for that matter, any believer, is a serious sin. Better that the offender had been drowned in the sea rather than face the wrath of God for such a sin.

But disciples must forgive the offending party, having rebuked him, and being assured of his repentance. Even though he might continue to offend and say that he repents, when by his actions he is proving that he has not, disciples must accept his word and continue to forgive him. Even though he might repeat it seven times in a day? This is a hard saying for the disciples to come to terms with. How can they do it? They turn to the Master in desperation and say, ‘Lord, Increase our faith’!

It is not the quantity of faith that matters but the quality. Mustard seed is ‘the least of all the seeds’, Matt. 13. 32. Even tiny, mustard seed-like faith can uproot a tree and plant it in the sea, if it be God’s will! The important feature is not the strength of the faith, but the person in whom the faith is placed. It is possible to place great faith in the wrong person or object and be sadly disappointed. But to place tiny faith, child-like faith, in the Master of the universe is to be able to achieve that which, with men, is impossible. Is it possible to uproot a tree and plant it in the sea by exercising faith in God? Only if it is His will. The true prayer of faith will always be in line with the will of God.

A forgiving spirit is vital to spiritual wellbeing. If we do not exercise forgiveness to those who offend us, the danger is that a root of bitterness springs up in our hearts. May we foster the spirit of forgiveness and live in harmony with our brethren.


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