This verse is taken from:
Psalm 76
Thought of the day for:
10 November 2023

Here the psalmist celebrates the mighty victory that God gained over enemies attacking Israel, His chosen people, and Jerusalem His chosen dwelling place.

“In Judah is God known”: this is the highest knowledge that man can have. Adam knew God, and he was given such a long life that his great great grandchildren could have had a knowledge of the true God who, hating sin and punishing the wicked, was merciful to the penitent. Yet wilful men did not like to retain the true knowledge of God, Rom. 1. 18-28. So God had to reveal Himself afresh to Noah and later to Abraham. Then Moses came to know Him as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. His dealing with them showed much of His holy character; the giving of the law to Moses made things clearer still.

Finally, though no man has seen God at any time, the only-begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father has declared Him, as He only could, John 1. 18. To say that you know someone may mean that you could recognize him in a crowd, but nothing more; his servants would know him much better, and his family better still. “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent”, 17. 3. It is the life of eternal ages, imparted to the believer on the Lord Jesus Christ, that makes possible an intimate knowledge of God Himself, not merely about Him. Today, He is known in the hearts of those who love Him because He first loved them; and also in the local churches of His people amidst whom He dwells.

The psalm praises God known in His victory over the oppressors of His people, and who establishes justice for the meek and defenceless among them, vv. 8, 9. He dwells in Jerusalem the city of peace, and the impregnable fortress of Zion, vv. 1, 2. Despite their powerful weapons, Israel’s enemies were cast into the sleep of death, v. 5. “Selah” means “Pause, and think calmly of that”. God is more glorious than the mountains of Judaea, suggesting unchanging stability, v. 4. We really come to know God when we are converted to Christ, Gal. 4. 8, 9; but we all need to know Him more.

“Walk worthy … increasing in the knowledge of God”, Col. 1. 10.


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