This verse is taken from:
John 6. 34-40
Thought of the day for:
21 July 2022

Whereas the term Bread of God emphasizes the source of spiritual sustenance, Bread of Life draws one’s attention to the quality and result of the food. Christ is the divinely appointed fare for salvation and spiritual growth. He gives heavenly nutrition for growth into full maturity in the spiritual realm, resulting in conformity to the Lord’s image, Eph. 4. 12-13. The lost try to feed on the husks of this world, but only the Lord Jesus can supply genuine contentment to the inner man. Repentant sinners who come to Him are assured that they will never hunger and never thirst, v. 35. Each of these ‘nevers’ is a double negative in the Greek text, meaning ‘by no means’ or ‘never ever’. The promised provision is totally secure and brings lasting satisfaction to man’s innermost needs.

In this passage, the Jews doubt the claims of the Lord Jesus. They suppose that they know everything about Him, because they know His earthly parents. To them, He is just a hometown boy who has attracted a following as a miracle-working teacher of ethics. They discount any suggestion of His divine origins, refusing to countenance any thought of Him coming from heaven, v. 42. They also repeatedly compare Him to their venerated tradition, supposedly based on Moses’ teaching and exploits. In reality, He reminded them, ‘ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition’, Matt. 15. 6. Now the Lord shows them that there is no comparison in the quality of Moses’ works with His own. Those who ate the manna eventually died, for it was only physical food, and therefore temporal. In contrast, those who eat the Bread of Life will live forever with God in heaven, vv. 49-51.

The Bread of Life must be eaten. In other words, Christ must be received, so that He lives within us. Halfway measures will not suffice in the matter of gaining eternal life. One is either fully trusting in the Lord Jesus or else they are lost. The Christian life is bound up with knowing God through Christ and feeding on Him, John 17. 3. Rituals, ceremonies, material things are all of no avail with our Creator. The Bread of life is the key to knowing our Maker and living forever.


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