This verse is taken from:
Ephesians 1. 3-6
Thought of the day for:
18 September 2022

Beloved what a lovely expression. It is a term not used lightly, but instead reserved for those nearest and dearest to us. In the Old Testament Benjamin, Deut. 33.12; Solomon, Neh. 13. 26, and Daniel, Dan. 9. 23; 10. 11, 19, as well as Israel collectively, are called beloved.

In the New Testament the apostles use the term of their brethren, especially as a term of endearment when beseeching them to holy living. John uses the term a number of times when addressing the family of God.

But, most importantly, it is used of the Lord Jesus. In the Song of Songs the bride uses that beautiful term when addressing her beloved who pictures for us the Lord Jesus - the all-together lovely One. And it is the term used by the Father as He speaks of His beloved Son. Isaiah prophesies of the Lord Jesus when he says, ‘Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth’, Isa. 42.1.

It is the Father who breaks open the heavens at His Son’s baptism and says ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased’, Matt. 3. 17. It is as though, before the Son begins His public ministry, the Father puts His stamp of approval on the silent years. Once again, toward the end of His ministry, as the Lord sets His face toward Jerusalem and all that would befall Him there, the Father says, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear him’, Matt. 17. 5.

In our text today, all the blessings, all the inheritance, is ours because we are in Him. This is pictured for us in the history of Benjamin. In Genesis 49, Jacob says that Benjamin is a ravening wolf devouring his prey. But Moses, in Deuteronomy 33, says that he is beloved of the LORD, dwelling safely and finding protection and rest on the shoulders of the Lord.

We were once rebellious sinners, enemies of God. But He sent His Son - the Beloved - to purchase our redemption. When we received the Lord Jesus, we were placed in His Son. And all who are in Him - the Beloved - find peace, shelter, and safety. What a place to be! We are nestled on the shoulders of the Beloved One and in Him we are blessed.


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