Be not afraid, only believe

This verse is taken from:
Mark 5. 21-43
Thought of the day for:
24 February 2025

The three miracles in Mark chapter 5 involve a man, a woman, and a child. The Lord Jesus meets the need, irrespective of age or gender. He is omnipotent, and shows His power over demons, disease, and death. Each case was beyond human help; the man was untameable, the woman had exhausted her capital and her condition was still worsening, and the girl had died. In the three incidents the Lord was rejected by the Gadarenes, v. 17, rebuked by the disciples, v. 31, and ridiculed by the mourners, v. 40. What amazing patience on His part!

‘The wisdom that is from above is . . . easy to be entreated’, Jas. 3. 17, and Jairus’ appeal met with an immediate response. This must have heartened him, but the delay en route would have sent his hopes plummeting; his daughter was ‘at the point of death’! A roller coaster of emotions is a common feature of life, and the news of his daughter’s death would have removed any vestige of hope. But He was in the company of One who knew ‘how to speak a word in season to him that is weary’, Isa. 50. 4. ‘Be not afraid, only believe’. As in the storm, the Lord was teaching that faith and fear are mutually exclusive, Mark 4. 40. We all know this, but it is difficult to implement in our lives for so many circumstances alarm us. May we all learn the truth of this biblical promise, ‘Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee’, Isa. 26. 3. Today’s passage illustrates it. The faith of the woman resulted in her going ‘in peace’, Mark 5. 34.

The healing of the woman and the raising of the girl hold lessons regarding the sequel to conversion. It appears that the woman attempted to slip away undetected, but the Lord wanted an open confession of what had transpired. He does not desire secret disciples, people who are ashamed of Him in this sinful generation, 8. 38. Be open in acknowledging Him.

The girl gave evidence of life by walking, 5. 42, and she required nourishment to sustain the new life. Similarly, genuine believers will ‘walk, even as he walked’, 1 John 2. 6. For their spiritual nourishment, they will ‘desire the sincere milk of the word’, 1 Pet. 2. 2. What about our conduct and our appetite?


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